Sunday, March 4, 2018

Facing our first bump in the road

So after we officially decided with the thriller/horror movie mix-up genre, we quickly dove into the title of our movie so that we could base our font and design off it. Since our movie's plot is about a boy, Jason, who is overly obsessed with the new girl, Molly we decided to do some research on stalking behaviors and diagnosis. We ran into fatal attraction syndrome , or stalking, which consists of chronic nuisance behaviors by an offender that result in deleterious emotional and/or physical effects on a victim. So we decided to name our movie, Fatal Attraction. I felt this name was extremely spine-chilling and intriguing so we didn't even bother searching for more, it fit just right. Moving onto our font, we googled "horror fonts" to get ideas flowing since we wanted to open our range from just our typical word & google docs fonts. This is where we ran into our problem...
we opened up and found our choice immediately, "true lies"

This was my first time downloading a font onto my computer so I had no idea how it worked. I began to download it and i couldn't figure out how to make the font appear on my Word as a choice. Me and my partner both attempted until we got too frustrated and resorted to my teacher. She quickly sent us a link to a YouTube video that guided us step by step and we figured it out. We are still playing around with it but so far so good! We thought the style of this font gave it that chilling, creeper look we were going for and the edges of the words look like they are blood smears; we just knew it was the one. 

 Here's a quick sneak peak..



Fancy > Horror Fonts,

Sansone, Randy A., and Lori A. Sansone. Psychiatry (Edgmont), Matrix Medical Communications, May 2010,

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